simpleswap logosimpleswap logo
Outil d'affiliation
Unleash crypto earnings with the striking SimpleSwap banners. Earn BTC rewards for promoting an outstanding service.
Blockchain explorers
Crypto services
Simple start
Create and add the widget to your website in just a few clicks.
Different languages
We have banners in English, French, German, and Portuguese.
Remarkable 1500+ coins
Stablecoins, 50+ blockchains providing boundless access to 300,000+ trading pairs.
Highly favorable rates
The market-leading rates for both popular and rare crypto assets.
Various designs
Choose between several outstanding banners available in different sizes.
Individual approach
Is there something you would like to adjust? Contact us to find a solution.
For any situation
Use cases
Blockchain explorers
  • Access over 50 blockchains
  • Enable swift exchanges from $2 to infinity
News and media websites
  • Eye-catching and customizable tool
  • Flexible payouts starting from 0.008 BTC
Crypto services
  • Integrate an all-in-one solution for mobile/web/extension services
  • Give your users access to 1500+ coins with no registration
  • High rate limiting
Blockchain explorers
  • Access over 50 blockchains
  • Enable swift exchanges from $2 to infinity
News and media websites
  • Eye-catching and customizable tool
  • Flexible payouts starting from 0.008 BTC
Crypto services
  • Integrate an all-in-one solution for mobile/web/extension services
  • Give your users access to 1500+ coins with no registration
  • High rate limiting
Detailed guide
How to integrate Bannière
Étape 1
Sélectionner l'outil web
Allez sur votre compte d'affilié et choisissez la bannière dans la section Outils web.
Find out
How Bannière works


Obtenez une bannière pour promouvoir SimpleSwap et gagnez de la cryptomonnaie. Plus les gens cliqueront sur la bannière et effectueront des échanges, plus votre récompense augmentera !




Earn BTC with our Bannière
Provide your users with a reliable crypto exchange and make a profit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I create more than one banner?
You can generate multiple banners in your Affiliate account
Can I track my earnings?
You can keep an eye on the usage statistics in your Affiliate account to manage and increase your profit
What if the banner does not suit my website?
We have lots of design options in several languages. Each of them comes in 12 sizes to fit any space. If you would like to customize it even more, contact your Personal manager, and we will find a solution
I have another question
Visit our Helpdesk for more information. You can also ask us directly: fill out a form here or contact your Personal manager if you already have an Affiliate account