simpleswap logosimpleswap logo
Ferramenta de afiliado
Our customizable buttons will make every click a powerful referral. Get BTC rewards as you effortlessly guide your audience to a world-class crypto exchange.
Exploradores de blockchain
Serviços de criptomoedas
Simple start
Create and add the widget to your website in just a few clicks.
Custom design
Change the color and text on the button or add animation.
Remarkable 1500+ coins
Stablecoins, 50+ blockchains providing boundless access to 300,000+ trading pairs.
Highly favorable rates
The market-leading rates for both popular and rare crypto assets.
Top-tier service
Our support team is here for the Affiliates 24/7 ready to solve any issue.
Individual approach
Is there something you would like to adjust? Contact us to find a solution.
For any situation
Use cases
Blockchain explorers
  • Access over 50 blockchains
  • Enable swift exchanges from $2 to infinity
News and media websites
  • Eye-catching and customizable tool
  • Competitive rates
Crypto services
  • Integrate an all-in-one solution for mobile/web/extension services
  • Give your users access to 1500+ coins with no registration
  • Benefit from high rate limiting
Blockchain explorers
  • Access over 50 blockchains
  • Enable swift exchanges from $2 to infinity
News and media websites
  • Eye-catching and customizable tool
  • Competitive rates
Crypto services
  • Integrate an all-in-one solution for mobile/web/extension services
  • Give your users access to 1500+ coins with no registration
  • Benefit from high rate limiting
Detailed guide
How to integrate Botão
Passo 1
Selecione a ferramenta web
Vá até sua conta de afiliado e escolha o botão na seção Ferramentas Web.
Find out
How Botão works


Esta ferramenta web desperta o interesse dos usuários e enquadra-se perfeitamente em qualquer design. Quanto mais os clientes clicarem no botão, melhores serão as chances de aumentar seus rendimentos!

Button #1

Incorpore o código no seu site

<iframe id="simpleswap-frame" name="SimpleSwap Button" width="208px" height="56px" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Earn BTC with our Botão
Provide your users with a reliable crypto exchange and make a profit.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I withdraw my reward?
Once you have 0.008 BTC in rewards in your Affiliate account, you can create a withdrawal request
Can I track my earnings?
You can keep an eye on the usage statistics in your Affiliate account to manage and increase your profit
How can I change the design of the button?
You can edit the text on the button, add a border, shadow, animation, as well as change its color to fit your brand in the button’s settings in your Affiliate account
I have another question
Visit our Helpdesk for more information. You can also ask us directly: fill out a form here or contact your Personal manager if you already have an Affiliate account