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Ferramenta de afiliado
Link de Referência
Get a unique affiliate link and share our top-tier crypto service with your audience.Watch your BTC rewards grow as people make exchanges through your link.
News websites
Crypto exchange aggregators
You just create an affiliate link and share it with others.
Generate as many links as you want and name them to easily tell the links apart.
30-day cookie lifetime
Even if the users finish the exchange later, you will still get the reward.
Remarkable 1500+ coins
Stablecoins, 50+ blockchains providing boundless access to 300,000+ trading pairs.
Highly favorable rates
The market-leading rates for both popular and rare crypto assets.
Individual approach
Is there something you would like to adjust? Contact us to find a solution.
For any situation
Use cases
Bloggers and opinion leaders
  • A direct and simple way to monetize content and expertise
  • Your followers get access to 1500+ coins with no registration
News and media websites
  • Enable swift exchanges for users from $2 to infinity
  • Diversify income streams with flexible payouts starting from 0.008 BTC
Crypto services
  • A link is easy to integrate to fit your product perfectly
  • Profit from floating and fixed rates
Cryptocurrency exchange aggregators
  • No monthly limits for withdrawals
  • Competitive rates
  • High rate limiting
Bloggers and opinion leaders
  • A direct and simple way to monetize content and expertise
  • Your followers get access to 1500+ coins with no registration
News and media websites
  • Enable swift exchanges for users from $2 to infinity
  • Diversify income streams with flexible payouts starting from 0.008 BTC
Crypto services
  • A link is easy to integrate to fit your product perfectly
  • Profit from floating and fixed rates
Cryptocurrency exchange aggregators
  • No monthly limits for withdrawals
  • Competitive rates
  • High rate limiting
Detailed guide
How to integrate Link de Referência
Passo 1
Selecione a ferramenta web
Vá para sua conta de afiliado e escolha o link de referência na seção de Ferramentas Web. Um link de referência é uma URL que contém a identificação do afiliado.
Find out
How Link de Referência works

Configurações do link de referência

Um link de referência é uma URL que contém o ID do afiliado. Ao participar do Programa de Afiliados, você recebe uma recompensa por cada câmbio finalizado que for criado pelo link de afiliado.№1
Earn BTC with our Link de Referência
Provide your users with a reliable crypto exchange and make a profit.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many followers should I have to participate?
We do not have any specific requirements for the audience you have. If you are good at reaching people through various channels, a referral link might be the perfect tool for you
What is a 30-day cookie lifetime?
It means that the Affiliates earn commissions for the exchanges made by the referrals through their link if the user does so within 30 days of clicking the link
Can I create more than one link?
You can generate as many links as you need in your Affiliate account
I have another question
Visit our Helpdesk for more information. You can also ask us directly: fill out a form here or contact your Personal manager if you already have an Affiliate account