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NEON EVM (NEON) Market Data
NEON Price
$ 0.3485
24h % Change
Market Cap
$ 20092374.6934
24h Volume
$ 1196185.1611
Circulating Supply
NEON experienced a downward trend this week
The price of NEON EVM has faced a rise by 3.659% in the past month. It declined by 2.2236% in the last 24 hours. During the past hour, the price decreased by 0.1485%.
The current circulating supply is 1000000000 USD
NEON EVM Performance
1 hour
24 hours
7 days
1 month
3 month
1 hour-0.15%
24 hours-2.22%
7 days-5.6%
1 month3.66%
3 month-10.1%
1 hour-0.07%
24 hours-2.56%
7 days4.41%
1 month2.39%
3 month8.62%
1 hour-0.07%
24 hours-2.06%
7 days0.27%
1 month-5.21%
3 month-19.08%
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How much is 1 neon?
NEON/BRL(Brazilian Real)
$ 1.9
NEON/CAD(Canadian Dollar)
$ 0.47
NEON/CZK(Czech Koruna)
$ 8.05
$ 0.32
NEON/GBP(British Pound)
$ 0.27
NEON/JPY(Japanese Yen)
$ 51.83
NEON/KRW(South Korean Won)
$ 469.41
NEON/SGD(Singapore Dollar)
$ 0.45
$ 0.35
NEON/VND(Vietnamese Dong)
$ 8632.01
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