Blog / Crypto World / Metaverse Music Concerts

Metaverse Music Concerts

Aug 9, 2022
5 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • Concerts that took place in the Metaverse
  • How do concerts affect the industry? 
  • Conclusion

Concerts and Metaverse - can these go hand-in-hand? Well, it is not new that the Metaverse takes charge across the different fields: industry, retail, business, sales, and music. Yes! The typical stage concerts and ticket sales have transformed into the digital world. You can also see it as a stage concert on your devices instead of a real stadium. You may wonder how this is possible because millions of people attend concerts, especially those hosted by big personnel. As you wonder about the possibility, remember that about 5.00 billion people are on the internet daily, and there are 500,000 new users coming every day. In other words, the internet (and the Metaverse) can hold the world population, make them focus on a single goal, and satisfy everyone individually. 

Concerts that took place in the Metaverse

Physical concerts have shortcomings. But Metaverse solves many of them. For example, concerts occur per tour: geographical location, city and country tours, and many more. A concert happens by tour because everyone cannot be in the same place at once. However, all internet users can be on the internet at once! Metaverse concerts may be the future of music concerts and many other global interventions. Can Metaverse truly transform each industry into the digital space? Let’s learn about the concerts that took place in the Metaverse. 

Metaverse Music Concerts content image


In 2019, Marshmello held the first ever Metaverse concert. Since then, the internet has received many musicians who loved the Metaverse pros. The impossibilities came into reality: about 10.7 million attendees at the concert that lasted for just 1.5 hours. Marshmello Fortnite’s concert broke the record and is regarded as the biggest event ever. The assumption is not faulty because the most popular concert happened about 2 decades ago: Jean-Michel Jarre’s Concert and about 3.5 million people visited the concert. 

Metaverse was introduced a few years back and broke over 2 decade records. Such a concert is making history because every musician emulates Marshmello from 2019. Besides the fact that Metaverse’s internet-based, it also combines digital applications and NFT.

Travis Scott

Forbes describes the Metaverse concert as “anything you could ever want to experience in life.” This assumption is nothing but true with Travis Scoot’s concert in the Fortnite Metaverse in 2020. The show lasted about 10 minutes but gave an outstanding experience compared to the regular concert of about 2 – 3 hours. Enormous number of people attended the concert: about 27 million players were present. 

Justin Bieber

Unlike the earlier two concerts, Justin Bieber’s Metaverse show took place on Wave in 2021. Wave hosted this music event for 30 minutes. The real image of Bieber was displayed in the right lower corner while the virtual image (Metaverse transformation) synchronized with his actions and was displayed to all participants. 

Various artists on HYPETYPE

Also, more concerts are on the way. HYPETYPE is a music festival coming up on Metaverse – 13th August 2022. The concert is said to include artists globally. HYPETYPE is not a Metaverse concert hosted by a single musician – but a music festival where several artists will perform at once. The next shows are planned for 29th October 2022 and 17th December 2022.

How do concerts affect the industry? 

Create a tight connection between musicians and fans

A typical concert cannot connect artist and their fans because there are bodyguards, high stage and other issues making people feel that the celebrity is unattainable. However, Metaverse gives the feeling and love when viewers engage via the devices and link. Another reason Metaverse outweighs physical concerts the large carrying capacity: everyone in the world could participate in this concert without leaving their comfort zone. 

Clear monetization of artists’ songs 

There are several barriers between musicians and fans: producers, marketers, and distributors. However, Metaverse reduces intermediary between artists and their audience. Now, performers are able to monetize their songs directly by hosting concerts digitally. Charges per stream are low on platforms like Spotify – another reason musicians earn easier via streaming. However, with Metaverse, artists earn straightly as their fans engage. 

Attract new audience

Metaverse combines all different kinds of people. Musicians and other artists get a great opportunity to attract new people to their community. As entering the Internet is much easier than traveling to a real concert, many people already prefer virtual reality. Therefore, more people get to know about the future events in Metaverse through the Web.   

Provide convenient access 

Millions of music lovers across the globe cannot participate in a physical concert due to geographical migration. However, it is easy for everyone to participate in a Metaverse concert. The requirements to join the virtual concert are links and devices only: you can engage in a Metaverse concert from the corner of your room. 


Individuals see music with a good value: musicians thrive on exploring the Metaverse, hosting organizations (like Fortnite) maximize the effort, and fans love to witness the digital concert. The impact of technology is changing the music world. 

Of course, the energy of the crowd and the live performance is amazing, but today we concentrated on the the pros of the Metaverse concerts and saw that the Metaverse revolves around industries. The music sphere is one of the optimal places digital intervention will give a perfect result. Metaverse concerts assist the fans by simplifying engagement and boosting musician’s gigs. 

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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