Blog / Price Predictions / Chromia Price Prediction

Chromia Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & CHR Forecast

Jul 19, 2024
4 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • CHR Statistics
  • Chromia Roadmap
  • Crypto community about CHR
  • CHR Price Prediction
  • CHR Price Prediction 2024
  • CHR Price Prediction 2025
  • CHR Price Prediction 2030
  • CHR Historical Price Analysis
  • Conclusion

Chromia is a relational blockchain that people can use to build their decentralized applications on. Users can apply the Chromia blockchain to areas such as gaming, enterprises, land administration, DeFi, and private payments. Each Chromia-based development has many advantages such as decentralization, security, speed, flexibility, ease of use.

The CHR token is used to increase the potential of the Chromia platform. And also, it performs the functions of the platform currency (used in the created dapps), payment for hosting, ecosystem rates, and so on.

CHR Statistics

Now, we can take a look at the CHR token statistics provided on CoinMarketCap to get a closer look at it:

Coin Name


Coin Symbol


USD Price


Market Cap


24h Volume


Total Supply

832,405,729 CHR

Chromia Roadmap

The project has a fairly detailed roadmap on the official website.

Let's look at the tasks that are currently under development:

  1. development of the basic subsystem Ethereum L2;
  2. work to ensure direct communication between chains due to the fact that block producers will facilitate communication at the level of the blockchain core;
  3. work on the implementation of the search function in the directory chain;
  4. development of hierarchical binding;
  5. Chromia Flexible Token Library (FT3) was submitted for audit to ensure it is completely secure.

Scheduled tasks:

  1. development of ephemeral dependencies;
  2. launching a development chain (this will simplify the development and testing of decentralized applications).

Crypto community about CHR

As you can see, crypto enthusiasts are engaging others to buy the CHR token, as they predict its imminent growth in price. Also, many admire the NFT platforms and their capabilities.

Chromia Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & CHR Forecast content image

Chromia Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & CHR Forecast content image

Chromia Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & CHR Forecast content image

Chromia Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & CHR Forecast content image

CHR Price Prediction

  1. According to TradingBeasts we can see this CHR price prediction for 2022:

Here are some opinions on the future of CHR crypto.

  1. WalletInvestor provides the following CHR price forecast for 2022:

CHR Price Prediction 2024

  1. Based on DigitalCoinPrice, we see the following CHR price prediction for 2022:

Experts at DigitalCoinPrice estimate that the CHR price could be around $0.48 on average in 2024.

CHR Price Prediction 2025

TradingBeasts experts believe that by 2025 the price may rise to $0.53. And WalletInvestor provides information about $0.01 as the maximum price of the CHR token for 2025. DigitalCoinPrice predicts $0.4.

CHR Price Prediction 2030

According to DigitalCoinPrice calculations, the CHR price could rise to $0.91 by 2030.

CHR Historical Price Analysis

All Time High - $1.50 (Nov 20, 2021)

All Time Low - $0.008525 (Mar 13, 2020)

From the start back in 2019, the price of the CHR token was $0.098 according to CoinMarketCap. Until 2021, it did not rise above $0.1. In March 2021, the price began to show a rapid increase to $0.56 - then the cryptocurrency gaming sector caused a boom, and the Chromia partnership with My Neighbor Alice (ALICE) also affected the price of the token.

Chromia Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & CHR Forecast content image

Until July 2021, the price gradually decreased until it reached $0.14. Already in November CHR reached its historical maximum. The second significant price jump was seen at the beginning of 2022 - $0.92, after which it began to go down. But later in April, the price reached around $0.65. Since the end of April, there has been a gradual decrease in the CHR token price.


Chromia is fast and simple development, intuitive for users. This project is already quite popular, as new decentralized financial and corporate applications, games, and so on can be created on its basis. Interaction with the community is very active and effective, which gives the project the opportunity to develop faster and better.

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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