Blog / Crypto World / Exploring Play2earn In 2024

Exploring Play2Earn in 2024

Jun 5, 2024
6 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • The significance of P2E for the cryptocurrency industry in 2024
  • A Historical Overview
  • Top Play-to-Earn Games in 2024
  • Future Prospects for Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games
  • Conclusion

The trend known as Play-to-Earn (P2E) within the crypto industry merges gaming elements with opportunities to earn cryptocurrencies, tokens, or NFTs. These models surged in popularity during the 2021 crypto bull market. P2E games provide players with liquid crypto assets, which can be exchanged on various platforms or traded in NFT marketplaces. Read more about P2E basics here

However, most of these games featured subpar and often very basic mechanics and intrinsic value. Consequently, as the interest in cryptocurrencies waned, the market demand for such applications plummeted, leading to a decreased potential for earnings through these games. 

Although 2023 posed significant challenges, the crypto market in 2024 has seen a resurgence of cautious optimism, drawing investors back to P2E projects.

The significance of P2E for the cryptocurrency industry in 2024

The significance of Play-to-Earn for the cryptocurrency industry in 2024 is undeniable, with its impact on financial inclusion, new economic models, and innovation and growth.

Financial inclusion. Projects in the GameFi and P2E categories provide users from regions with underdeveloped economies the opportunity to generate income by playing games.

New economic models. Game creators and players can experiment with various methods to monetize and distribute revenue.

Innovation and growth. GameFi projects are driving technological and creative innovation in the gaming industry, as well as attracting new users to the cryptocurrency sector.

This is pretty evident now. But has it always been this way? In the following sections, we will explore how these aspects have evolved over time and their implications for the future.

A Historical Overview

In fact, there isn't really any unusual or intricate history in the P2E segment; everything is quite logical. After the creation of cryptocurrency, smart contracts, and NFTs, people quickly realized that such a combination enables the creation of economies on the blockchain. These economies are exactly what the Play-to-Earn segment games have become.

In the 2022-2023 bear market, some of the problems associated with P2E became apparent. For example, the fragility of the economy. While in classic currencies or Bitcoin the level of social agreement is high—meaning a large number of people agree on the value—in new P2E projects, the value of both NFTs and tokens is not high. Plus, each participant wants to recoup their investment and sells all their earnings, leading to a supply and demand problem.

The second problem is attracting those who are not familiar with cryptocurrency into the games. How to help them understand NFT and token storage? During a bear market, this is especially difficult, as gamers may lack the motivation to enter the P2E segment. Nevertheless, even in times like these, P2E has been and continues to be actively developed. New projects are launched almost every month and receive millions of dollars in investment.

Top Play-to-Earn Games in 2024

Let's explore the leading Play-to-Earn games that are set to dominate the cryptocurrency landscape in 2024.

Immutable X (IMX)

The project aims to provide solutions for the creation and widespread use of NFTs in blockchain games. Immutable X allows users to issue digital collectibles in the form of NFTs and facilitates transactions. It also enables users to store assets in crypto wallets and trade them on open marketplaces.

Decentraland (MANA)

It is a unique virtual world where players can buy and sell virtual plots of land and real estate. In this metaverse, players can build structures or rent them out for advertising space, mimicking real-world estate practices. The game offers a diverse range of scenarios for creating and monetizing content and applications, providing ample opportunities for creativity and entrepreneurship. Transactions within Decentraland are facilitated by an internal cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring secure and transparent exchanges.

Axie Infinity (AXS)

Axie Infinity is one of the free crypto games that once helped millions of people enter the world of cryptocurrencies and remains at the forefront of the industry. 

The Sandbox (SAND)

The Sandbox is yet another virtual environment that consistently draws a significant influx of new users. Within this dynamic game world, players have the ability to create, own, and monetize game characters and objects. Utilizing SAND tokens, users can purchase land plots and various in-game assets, enhancing their gameplay experience. Moreover, they can take part in platform governance through the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) established within The Sandbox, allowing for a truly community-driven environment.

Aavegotchi (GHST)

Aavegotchi, developed by Pixelcraft Studios from Singapore, is a metaverse featuring NFT avatars that players use to participate in mini-games. It also integrates various NFT and DeFi features, such as staking and cryptocurrency lending.

Star Atlas (ATLAS)

It is a space exploration and strategy game built on Solana, providing an immersive metaverse experience with rich lore, NFT ownership, and a dual-token economic system.

If one is looking for the best crypto games to make money, these are just a small fraction of the P2E games he or she can try in 2024. New projects are released regularly, which means that gamers, investors, and other interested parties have a huge and diverse world of cryptocurrency gaming open to them.

Future Prospects for Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games

In our P2E article, we discussed how blockchain games are still evolving and need more time to realize their full potential. A 2022 survey by Coda Labs of about 7,000 gamers revealed that only 12% had tried playing blockchain games. Despite this low adoption rate, those who have played these games generally report positive experiences.

In 2024, the pessimistic outlook for P2E development is highly questionable. The number of games being released continues to grow steadily. The sector now hosts tens of millions of unique active wallets interacting with their smart contracts, far surpassing any other category of dApps. The major game studios have continued to focus on improving the quality of their products. The market narrative around GameFi in the new cycle should prove itself by bringing AA and even AAA projects to market.


P2E is attracting millions of gamers and investors worldwide, providing an interactive gateway into new dimensions of ownership and the ability to earn real rewards by doing what they love. This can lead them to discover the benefits of blockchain technology and participate more deeply in it. The P2E sector is not standing still, which means we will see many more exciting and unique projects. Fasten your seatbelts and don't fear the turbulence, but always analyze the risks and consequences.

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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