Blog / Price Predictions / Loopring Price Prediction

Loopring (LRC) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040 - is Loopring a good investment?

Mar 13, 2024
15 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • Loopring Overview
  • What is Loopring LRC coin?
  • Loopring Price Chart
  • Loopring Price Technical Analysis
  • Loopring Price Forecasts Comparison
  • Loopring LRC Price Forecast 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040
  • A Historical look at LRC's price
  • Loopring Correlation
  • Should you consider buying Loopring?
  • Conclusion: The future of LRC
  • Loopring Price Forecast FAQs

This article is a comprehensive examination of the Loopring cryptocurrency project and its LRC token. In it, we are looking into the vital metrics, covering the coin's price dynamics, the project's historical journey, its competitors, price projections sourced from multiple platforms.

Disclaimer: SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility. 

Loopring Overview

Project TitleLoopring

USD Price$0.4349
Market Cap$594,321,375
24h Volume$93,660,669
Total Supply1,373,873,397 LRC

What is Loopring LRC coin?

In the dynamic realm of finance, Loopring develops innovative protocols, robust infrastructure, and user-centric products that are meant to shape the future. The team’s unwavering belief lies in Ethereum, the foundation upon which the future of finance is built, with a special focus on layer 2 technology, namely zkRollups.

Loopring thinks that DeFi users should never have to compromise on either security or performance. Embracing this principle, Loopring's L2 solution offers an unparalleled platform for trading, swapping, liquidity provision, and payments - all at a fraction of the fees and lightning-fast speeds. Most importantly, the team achieves this without compromising the inherent security of the Ethereum network.

The company’s vision is rooted in a digital economy where users are retaining full control over their assets. Loopring has proven that non-custodial technology can rival custodial alternatives in terms of speed, cost-effectiveness, and user experience. 

At the core of Loopring's mission lies the ambition to design and engineer the most exceptional zkRollup exchange and payment protocol on the Ethereum blockchain. Beyond innovation, their commitment extends to providing access to these solutions to users worldwide, fostering a global financial landscape.

To understand what is Loopring and find the LRC price prediction, continue reading this article we’ve written for you.

Loopring’s rivals

Before diving into the Loopring crypto price prediction, we need to understand which projects might be considered Loopring’s competitors. This will help us uncover the Loopring potential as well. The competition level in the crypto sector is undeniably high and shows no signs of slowing down. As the popularity and significance of crypto and blockchain tech continue to rise, more projects enter the market, vying for attention and adoption. Several factors contribute to the intensity of competition in this space:

  1. The decentralized nature of the crypto sector fosters innovation and encourages new projects to emerge constantly. With low barriers to entry, anyone with a novel idea and technical know-how can create their own crypto-based product, leading to a proliferation of offerings in the market.
  2. The global accessibility of the crypto market means that projects face competition on an international scale. Unlike traditional industries, where regional barriers may limit competition, crypto projects can target users and investors from all corners of the world, amplifying the level of rivalry.
  3. The rapidly evolving nature of technology in the crypto sector necessitates projects to adapt and improve their products to stay ahead. With new advancements, protocols, and use cases emerging frequently, established projects must remain vigilant to avoid becoming outdated or overshadowed by newer, more innovative solutions.

Promoting crypto products in such a competitive landscape is no easy feat. To succeed in promoting their products, crypto projects must focus on building strong communities, establishing credibility, and showcasing real-world use cases. Transparent communication, ongoing development updates, and partnerships with reputable entities can also help instill confidence and set a project apart from its competitors. Now let’s move on to the rivals of the Loopring:

  • Polygon (MATIC)

It is a crypto project that tackles Ethereum's scalability problem with a Layer 2 solution. As a sidechain, it boosts transaction speed and cost-efficiency for decentralized applications. Its user-friendly ecosystem and interoperability with Ethereum have attracted a growing community of developers and users, making it a prominent player in the crypto space. 

  • Immutable X (IMX)

Immutable is a layer-two scaling solution for NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. By leveraging STARK zk-rollups technology, it overcomes Ethereum's limitations, including low scalability, poor user experience, illiquidity, and slow developer processes. 

  • ZKSync (TBD)

ZKSync is the Layer-2 protocol that supercharges Ethereum's scalability using ZK technology. Their goal is not just to increase Ethereum's speed but to keep its core values intact – freedom, self-control, and decentralization – as the project scales up.

The Foundation of Loopring

The company was established in 2017. Daniel Wang is the founder and CEO of Loopring Foundation, leading the development of Loopring protocol. Based in Shanghai, China, he is a skilled software engineer and entrepreneur. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science.

Before Loopring, Wang held key positions in major tech companies, such as Boston Scientific and, where he led engineering teams. He also contributed to Google as a tech lead and senior software engineer. Besides, Wang co-founded two companies which focus on crypto services. His diverse experiences and expertise have been instrumental in driving Loopring's mission to transform the future of finance.

What is zkRollups and how does the LRC use it?

ZK-rollup is a technology that groups transactions together and uses mathematical techniques to create proofs that validate the operations while keeping data exposure to a minimum.

Validators process transactions and compute state changes without using the main blockchain. They then generate ZK proofs, cryptographic evidence that proves the legitimacy of the operations without revealing transaction details. The summarized data and proofs are submitted to the main blockchain for verification. Once verified, the new state resulting from off-chain computation is accepted, providing both privacy and high scalability.

Key advantages of ZK-rollups include high scalability from off-chain processing, robust cryptographic security, and privacy through mathematical guarantees without disclosing sensitive transaction details.

Loopring employs ZK-rollups to achieve remarkable improvements in speed and cost efficiency on the Ethereum blockchain, all while ensuring uncompromising security. As the pioneering Ethereum ZK-rollup, Loopring has emerged as the most widely adopted solution, boasting an impressive throughput of over 2000 TPS. 

With its innovative approach, Loopring has successfully overcome the scalability limitations that have long plagued Ethereum, offering users an unparalleled experience with faster and cheaper fees without compromising on the crucial aspect of security.

Why Loopring?

Loopring boasts several compelling advantages that set it apart in the blockchain space. We will overview the key pros of the project:

Low cost

Loopring takes a remarkable approach by conducting the majority of its operations, such as trade and transfer settlement, off the Ethereum blockchain. This strategic move results in a significant reduction in gas consumption and overall transaction costs, minimizing them to mere fractions of what would be comparable on-chain expenses. Through this efficient off-chain processing, Loopring provides users with a cost-effective and streamlined experience, making it an attractive option for those seeking to engage in DeFi activities without being burdened by high transaction fees.

High throughput

Loopring drives the revolution of highly scalable decentralized exchanges and payments through its innovative batch-processing mechanism, handling thousands of requests off-chain. This efficient approach, coupled with the verifiable correctness enabled by Zero-Knowledge Proofs, ensures that Ethereum's performance is no longer a limiting factor. As a result, Loopring offers a seamless and high-speed experience, eliminating the traditional bottlenecks associated with DeFi transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.


Loopring stands as a transparent, audited, and decentralized exchange and payment protocol. Within the Loopring ecosystem, trust is eliminated, as users have full control over their assets with the implementation of zkRollup technology. This ensures that users' assets remain under their own control, with an ironclad guarantee of 100% Ethereum-level security. With its open-source approach and commitment to non-custodial principles, Loopring empowers users to engage confidently in the world of DeFi without the need to rely on third parties or compromise their security.

Loopring token functions

LRC serves a number of important functions and plays an important role within the ecosystem. Here are its key uses:


The token used to incentivize protocol-desirable behavior from liquidity providers, insurers, and DAO governors.

Transaction fees

LRC can be used to pay for transaction fees and various services within the Loopring ecosystem. Users can utilize LRC to access the platform's functionalities and services, including trading and transferring assets.


LRC holders have the power to participate in the governance of the Loopring protocol. They can propose and vote on changes, upgrades, and improvements to the platform, shaping its future development.

Loopring Development Roadmap

In order to discover the Loopring LRC roadmap, we have checked on the official website of the project. 

During the last quarter, several noteworthy milestones have been achieved. Notable highlights include the successful launch of NFT Red Packets, the activation of Block Trading, and the much-anticipated announcement of Loopring L3. Additionally, the Loopring Gaming initiative has seen remarkable adoption, with clear community favorites emerging, evoking great excitement within the community. The quarter has been marked by significant progress and engagement, reflecting the growing interest and enthusiasm surrounding Loopring's innovative developments. What’s more:

  1. under $6b in total trading volume was achieved on L2;
  2. over 205K total L2 accounts are created;
  3. Loopring Gaming started with multiple games integrating NFT Red Packets. 

All of the Blog posts made by the Loopring team are quite long, meaning that they care about sharing updates with their community. That is a good sign for a crypto project.  

Where and how to buy Loopring?

Decided to buy LRC? Make sure you are aware of all the important information about the project and its token first. After its done and you still want to invest, you may easily buy LRC via SimpleSwap:

  1. Pick the crypto you’d like to swap (e.g. Bitcoin).
  2. Enter the number you want to exchange.
  3. Select LRC in the second drop-down list. You’ll see the estimated amount that you will get after the exchange.
  4. Click the Exchange button.
  5. Enter the Recipient's Address. LRC will be sent there. Check the address you entered — it’s important!
  6. Create the exchange.
  7. You’ll see the BTC deposit address. You have to transfer the necessary sum of BTC to this address to start the exchange. Then wait for tokens to arrive at your wallet.

To see LRC price prediction, we will move on to the numbers.  

Loopring Price Chart

During the last 30 days, LRC has faced a bearish trend. Its price decreased from $0.24 on June 25 to $0.22 on June 25. However, this is not a drastic change, and is far from the all-time low. Here’s the current LRC data: 

LRC Price$0.4349
Volume (24h)$93,660,669
Total supply1,373,873,397 LRC

*Information given above as of March 13, 2024.

Loopring Price Technical Analysis

Loopring experienced a long downtrade period with several attempts to break the descending trend line. Although there was a brief breakthrough, the price quickly retreated, and it currently trades below the trend line. Now Loorping tests the support level presented by the 200 day moving average that coincides with the point of control level. RSI indicator on daily timeframe in the neutral zone indicating the potential for further price decline.

Loopring (LRC) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040 - is Loopring a good investment? content image

LRC Technical Analysis. Source: TradingView

Loopring Price Forecasts Comparison

As of March 2024, different crypto forecast services shared their price predictions for LRC. Let's see the figures they delivered.

  • Bitnation:

“As we recover from the crypto winter, we are expecting that Loopring will achieve a maximum price of $0.39456 as the market starts to recover. The minimum expected price is $0.26304 and the average price will hover around $0.3288.”

  • Coincodex:

“The Loopring price prediction for 2030 is between $ 0.296539 on the lower end and $ 2.80 on the high end. Based on our LRC price prediction chart, the price of Loopring could gain 550.33% and reach $ 2.80 if it reaches the upper price target.”

  • Cryptopredictions:

“Loopring is forecasted to be worth on average $0.54061929487392 by the beginning of 2025 (January). In the years that follow - 2026, 2027, 2028 the LRC price is predicted to be in January worth on average $0.53925018102732, $0.55791587173976, $0.60509769341668, respectively.”

Based on this list containing Loopring coin price prediction, we can create a comparative table to facilitate comprehension. Presented below are the average annual values:

SourceLRC Price Prediction 2024LRC Price Prediction 2025LRC Price Prediction 2030

This is the forecast for Loopring given by the various crypto prediction services.

Bitnation predicts that the price of LRC will experience gradual growth, reaching $0.32 in 2024, $0.76 in 2025, and $1.86 in 2030.

Coincodex offers a more conservative projection, with the price of LRC expected to be $0.20 in 2024, $0.68 in 2025, and $0.35 in 2030.

On the other hand, Cryptopredictions forecasts a slightly different trend, anticipating a price of $0.38 for LRC in 2024, $0.42 in 2025, and $0.93 in 2030.

This data on Loopring price forecast is based on the information from various price prediction services. It is important to understand that it's impossible to give a 100% accurate forecast for crypto price. Do not purchase any tokens without doing your own proper research. 

Loopring LRC Price Forecast 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040

Learn about Loopring price prediction 2024-2040 below:

YearMaximum price of LRC

Loopring Price Prediction 2024

Loopring (LRC) holds the potential for growth in 2024, with a projected price target of $0.495. This optimistic forecast takes into account the positive sentiment prevailing in the cryptocurrency markets, coupled with the anticipated advancements in Loopring's Layer 2 technology for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

Loopring Future Price prediction for 2025

By 2025, the LRC token continues its upward trajectory, with a predicted price of $0.652. This will be possible given the possibility of bull run and project’s increased integration into the DeFi apps.

Loopring Price Forecast 2026

The potential for Loopring (LRC) to achieve a substantial price milestone of $1 in 2026 suggests a positive outlook for the project. This forecast takes into consideration the increasing interest in Layer 2 (L2) solutions and the expanding adoption of Loopring's technology across diverse applications.

Loopring Price Forecast 2030

Talking about Loopring price prediction 2030, over the long term, the LRC token is projected to experience substantial growth. By 2030, the price is forecasted to reach $2.9. This remarkable increase suggests a maturing project with a robust ecosystem and increasing utility. The token's value could be influenced by broader market trends, the success of the Loopring company, and advancements in the DeFi space.

Loopring Price Prediction 2040

Looking further ahead to 2040, the LRC token is predicted to reach an impressive price of $5. By this time, Loopring may have established itself as a key player in the DeFi sector and achieved widespread adoption. The token's value may also be influenced by macroeconomic factors and the overall growth of the crypto market.

Keep in mind that this LRC price forecast may change drastically through time, as the crypto market is highly volatile.

A Historical look at LRC's price

The LRC’s all-time high occurred in November 2021. Back then, the price was $3.83. The all-time low of this coin happened in December 2019. The lowest price of LRC was $0.01986. 

Loopring/USD Pair

LRC/USD13 March 2023$0.304

Loopring/EUR Pair

LRC/EUR13 March 2023

Loopring Correlation

During the last seven days, LRC was correlating with different coins’ price in both positive and negative ways. Let’s see what these assets are. 

Positively Correlated Currencies


Negatively Correlated Currencies


Should you consider buying Loopring?

To answer the question “is loopring a good investment?”, you need to do your own detailed research, check out various resources and compare the information given there. Investigate Twitter, read the crypto community reviews on this company and decide whether this asset is worth investing for you or not. 

Conclusion: The future of LRC

Summing up the Loopring outlook, we can say that this project holds a promising future as it offers numerous advantages that set it apart in the world of DeF. One of the key advantages of the Loopring protocol is its ability to facilitate fast and low-cost transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. By utilizing zkRollups, Loopring can process multiple transactions off-chain and then bundle them into a single batch before settling on the Ethereum mainnet. This significantly reduces the congestion and gas fees, making it an attractive solution for traders and investors.

Another crucial aspect of the Loopring project is its emphasis on scalability. As the adoption of DeFi continues to grow, scalability becomes a critical factor for any blockchain project's success. Loopring addresses this concern effectively by achieving high throughput and increasing its capacity to handle a large number of transactions. This scalability feature is essential for ensuring that the Loopring protocol can support mainstream adoption without compromising on speed and efficiency.

Moreover, the Loopring project promotes liquidity across various DEXs. It allows users to pool their liquidity together, creating deeper liquidity across the ecosystem. This not only improves trading experiences but also enhances the overall stability of the DeFi space. As more liquidity providers and users participate in the Loopring network, it fosters a vibrant and dynamic DeFi marketplace.

Loopring Price Forecast FAQs

If you still have questions about LRC, make sure to check this section with short answers concerning the project. 

Will Loopring go back up?

Yes, according to the price prediction available at the moment, the price of LRC is expected to grow. 

Is Loopring a good investment?

LRC token might be considered a good investment if it corresponds to your expectations and needs. 

Will Loopring reach $10?

Yes, there is a possibility that the Loopring hits $10.  

Can loopring reach $1000?

After making a Loopring market analysis, we unfortunately can not claim that LRC reaches such a high price. 

Does loopring have a future?

The future of LRC crypto is likely to be optimistic, and this project might become one of the leaders in its sphere. 

How high can loopring go?

The maximum price of LRC predicted is $5. It is expected in 2040. However, this is quite a long-term prediction which might change anytime. 

Why is loopring going down?

The LRC is facing a bearish trend right now. It might be caused by the global crypto market condition. 

How secure is Loopring?

Loopring is presented as a highly secure ecosystem due to the zkRollup technology.

What is the price prediction for Loopring in 2050?

There is no price prediction for LRC in 2050 yet, as this would be a long-term prediction with a low accuracy. 

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