Blog / Crypto World / Promising L2 Projects With Potential Airdrops

Promising L2 Projects With Potential Airdrops

Jun 26, 2024
8 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • Linea
  • Scroll
  • Blast
  • Bob
  • Reya Network

Layer 2 (L2) blockchains are gaining significant traction in the crypto industry, drawing attention from venture funds and crypto enthusiasts. L2 solutions address the scalability issues of Layer 1 networks, particularly Ethereum, while keeping the privacy and security of transactions up.

The core reason behind the popularity of L2 projects is their airdrops to active community members. Arbitrum (ARB) and Optimism (OP) pioneered this trend, offering generous token rewards to early supporters, with some allocations exceeding $1.000 per account. Recently, token airdrops from Starknet (STRK) and zkSync (ZK) have sparked discussions regarding airdrop eligibility criteria, sybil accounts detection, and the distribution of allocations across different wallets.

As the interest in L2 projects growing, many are looking ahead to other L2 projects that may reward their supporters in the future. The SimpleSwap team has prepared a list of promising L2 projects with potential airdrops to follow.


Linea is an Ethereum layer 2 network powered by ConsenSys and built using ZK rollup infrastructure. Linea aims to scale up the Eth blockchain by providing developers with fully EVM compatible chain to build decentralized apps with significantly lower costs compared to Ethereum while ensuring better scalability, transaction’s speed, and low gas fees. 

Linea’s mainnet is already launched and its ecosystem is rapidly growing. Currently, Linea ranks 7th by total value locked among L2 solutions with TVL more than $1B, demonstrating an astonishing 2000% growth year to date. 

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Linea TVL. Source: DefiLlama

Such an impressive increase is possible thanks to Linea’s program launched this spring. “The Surge” is a liquidity bootstrapping initiative aimed to fuel the Linea ecosystem with liquidity and increase network’s use in DeFi-related activities. Users can contribute to Linea’s growth by providing liquidity into its ecosystem and earn rewards - LXP-L tokens. They're soulbound, non-transferrable tokens allocated to every address supplying liquidity to Linea during the Surge program. LXP-L tokens together with LXP tokens earned by completing various tasks in Linea’s partner DApps show the level of your participation in Linea’s ecosystem. 

The project's token airdrop is confirmed, however there is no news about potential TGE and  airdrop date. Nevertheless, this reward program with clear criteria and detailed information on how to participate seems to be attractive and easy-to-follow. Everyone has chances to participate in it and become eligible for the future airdrop.


Scroll is a security-focused layer 2 built using zkEVM technology created to upgrade Ethereum scalability. Scroll uses off-chain processing of transactions leveraging zkEVM to prove their correctness thus vastly increasing transaction’s speed and lowering costs for end users. EVM compatibility allows Ethereum developers to seamlessly deploy their DApps on Scroll. Currently, Scroll TVL amounted to $722M making it 9th L2 solution by this metric. 

The project has raised $80M in several funding rounds with participation from the leading venture capital funds including Polychain Capital, IOSG Ventures, Variant, Robot Ventures, and others. Scroll valuation in the latest finding round amounted to $1.8B. 

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Scroll Fundraising. Source: CryptoRank

Scroll introduced its own loyalty program to reward active users of the network and Scroll ecosystem, “Scroll sessions”. There will be different “Sessions” to take part with different tasks to complete. Currently, users can bridge their assets to Scroll mainnet using official bridge and interact with Scroll based protocols to earn special “Scroll Marks”. Also, Scroll has retrospectively rewarded early users who deposited into Scroll before April 29th, 2024. While there is no info about token launch and airdrop to the community, it is possible to predict that earned Marks during the Sessions will be the main criteria to receive potential airdrop from Scroll.  


Blast turned out to be a game changer in the L2 sphere as the first Eth L2 solution with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Yield comes from ETH staking and RWA protocols with initial rate 4% for ETH and 5% for stablecoins. Blast is an optimistic rollup compatible with EVM. Devs are easily able to run DApps, whilist users have the opportunity to interact with the network and earn native yield on platform-based assets. Notably, the company introduced its own auto-rebasing stablecoin - USDB. It allows users to receive yield based on MakerDAO’s T-Bill protocol. It can also be exchanged for DAI while bridging funds from Blast to Ethereum.

The project received $20M from Paradigm, Standard Crypto, and other investors in November 2023. Because of its novel concept it drew the attention of the crypto community and demonstrated a rapid growth of TVL in recent months. Now the TVL of the company is near $3B that makes it the fourth largest L2 solution.

Blast token and airdrop is confirmed and planned for June 26, 2024. There is an ongoing program to become eligible for the airdrop. To join in the campaign, users should bridge funds to the platform, interact with DApps and earn "Points" and "Gold". During the airdrop, your Points and Gold will be converted into tokens. There are also multipliers to boost your Point earnings by interacting with highlighted DApps and protocols in the project ecosystem.

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Blast Airdrop Scheme. Source: Blast Documentation


Bob is a hybrid layer 2 designed to close the gap between Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bob uses the rollup ecosystem to combine the user base and security of Bitcoin with the innovative Ethereum ecosystem. Users are able to access stablecoins, DeFi, NFTs, and other DApps without leaving the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin is used for transactions settlement, funds storage, and security, while users enjoy all DeFi activities such as staking, trading, liquidity providing, etc.

Bob has received investment from Coinbase Ventures, Castle Capital, CMS Holdings, IOSG Ventures, and others. Mainnet was launched on 1 May 2024. Initially Bob operated as an Ethereum Optimistic rollup and later transformed into the ETH rollup leveraging Bitcoin PoW security. The final vision for Bob is an Optimistic Bitcoin rollup running via BitVM. 

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Bob Roadmap. Source: Bob Website

Bob has launched “Bob Fusion” - the official points program of Bob that rewards the active participants of the network and Bob’s ecosystem. To participate in the Bob Fusion users need to bridge funds to Bob mainnet and interact with DApps running on Bob. For every interaction as well as participation in social quests and tasks users get points - Bob spices. Currently, Season 2 of Bob Fusion is underway with a variety of DApps to use and available quests on Intract.

Airdrop from Bob is confirmed but there is no official info about the date of token launch and rewards distribution. However, we can assume that collection of Bob Spices during the Bob Fusion seasons will be the main criteria for the future airdrop eligibility.

Reya Network

Reya Network builds a L2 specifically designed for DeFi needs. By concentrating on the specific area, Reya aims to deal with the most urgent problems of DeFi: liquidity, capital efficiency, and performance. Reya plans to be one of the fastest EVM rollups with throughput up to 30.000 transactions per second. Reya also implements “first-in-first-one” transaction execution model leveraging Arbitrum Orbit tech stack to provide zero gas fees and fight with front-running and MEV activities. 

Reya has raised $16M in two funding rounds with participation from Coinbase Ventures, Framework Ventures, Fabric Ventures, Wintermute, and others.

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Reya Network Funding Rounds. Source: CryptoRank

Reya has already launched a liquidity generation event in April and lately introduced its perpetual DEX, Reya Exchange. Currently, users can participate in both liquidity provision and trading activity on Reya via its incentivized program launched to reward the active users of the network and earn XP and boosts based on their activity. There are two options to contribute to Reya. The 1st is to supply funds into the LP pool and earn XP for your liquidity. The 2nd is to utilize Reya Exchange for trading and earn XP for your trading activity.

Collecting XP and getting boosts may be the primary way to become eligible for the future airdrop from Reya Network. However, there is no info about the date of token launch and rewards distribution to the community yet. 

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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