Blog / Crypto World / Weddings In Metaverse

Weddings In Metaverse

Nov 29, 2022
4 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • How does the Metaverse wedding work?
  • Why are weddings in Metaverse so popular?
  • Metaverse wedding cases
  • Conclusion

Weddings are one of the most significant and touching events in our lives. Usually it’s a grand and loud party with tens or even hundreds of guests invited to share this moment with newlyweds and just have fun. However, COVID-19 brought its own corrections to weddings — during the lockdown some Zoom ceremonies happened, which have completely changed our understanding of such events. Now, with blockchain tech development, the new trend of Metaverse weddings declares itself. 

How does the Metaverse wedding work?

To hold the event, most people look for professionals to help them with arrangements. The newlyweds give their vision of how it should look like, and the developers start creating the virtual space based on the hosts’ guidelines. However, some Metaverses have made the ready platforms for weddings, so anyone could get married without spending too much money on building their own digital world piece. For example, there is a Closeup City Hall of Love created in the Metaverse of Decentraland

Such a platform allows you to almost recreate a real wedding in detail — from sending the invitations to putting the photo booth in the location set. Also, if you care about the official docs, they actually do exist in Metaverse! The newlyweds receive an NFT certificate which contains the contract itself and all the information about the marriage. It comes for free, except for the minimal fees paid to mint a token. It can’t be sold as well, and if somebody tries to, they will see a message stating that “love is not for sale”.   

Why are weddings in Metaverse so popular?

The most important reason why Metaverse weddings became so popular is pandemic, when people had to stay home for safety, but wanted to continue living their lives, studying, working and getting married. Some states in the US, such as Florida, Colorado, Texas and Washington have already legalized online marriages.

Of course, COVID is not the only explanation of the virtual weddings’ success. Let’s see what else has affected this sphere :

Access to different locations. Any space you want. Choose whatever colors, decorations and genre you want. Whether it’s Hogwarts or the Hobbits’ Shire, Metaverse can provide you with that!

Accessibility. The wedding in Metaverse is a great opportunity to marry someone who’s at the other end of Earth without needing to buy costly tickets. Cool way to save some cash!

Unlimited number of guests. If you have a lot of relatives and friends, don’t panic, Metaverse allows you to accommodate thousands of people, or even more. There are no limits.  

Affordability. Offline weddings cost a lot of money. Cars, drinks, food, invitations, decorations etc may be worth thousands of dollars. In Metaverse, you pay to create a digital space, and that’s much cheaper and faster to realize, than the usual marriage. 

Metaverse wedding cases

A few Metaverse weddings have already taken place in various countries. Here are some examples to see that such events are smoothly becoming normal. 

  1. In 2021, Tracy and Dave Gagnon from USA held the 1st ever wedding in the Metaverse. Virbela, the virtual worlds creator company helped them to organize the event. 
  2. Last year Rebecca Rose and Peter Kacherginsky exchanged NFT rings during an ordinary wedding. The NFT is called Tabaat (it means “ring” in Hebrew).
  3. In February, Dinesh Sawakumar Padmavati and Janaganandhini Ramaswami had a modest ceremony in their village, but later they arranged a virtual wedding. Friends and a thousand people in total have joined. 


Virtual weddings are getting more popular each year because of several reasons like cheapness and the ability to invite as many guests as you want. However, the Metaverse events are like a breath of fresh air — people are interested in new technologies and want to enjoy the opportunities they give. 

Unfortunately, Metaverse weddings aren’t legal everywhere, except for the states we mentioned earlier in this article. But all we need is love and time to make these marriages happen more often. 

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