Blog / Price Predictions / Green Satoshi Token Price Prediction

Green Satoshi Token Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & GST Forecast

Jul 17, 2024
6 min read

This blog post will cover:

  • GST Statistics
  • Green Satoshi Token Roadmap
  • Crypto community about GST
  • GST Price Prediction
  • GST Price Prediction 2024
  • GST Price Prediction 2025
  • GST Price Prediction 2030
  • GST Historical Price Analysis
  • Conclusion

GST, or Green Satoshi Token is a utility token of STEPN, which is a lifestyle Web 3.0 Solana based app with the implemented elements of SocialFi and GameFi. STEPN appears to be the first NFT game where users are able to earn tokens while walking, running or jogging in their NFT sneakers. GST tokens can be utilized to upgrade the level and create the new pair of shoes, which further gamers will be able to sell or lease. The main goal of the project is to motivate people to be healthy and interact with Web 3.0.

STEPN was created in 2021 by the Australian company Find Satoshi Lab (by the way, if you want to know more about crypto projects from the land of kangaroos, make sure tocheck our article).

Jerry Huang is the lead founder of the brand. With his colleagues Yawn Rong (co-founder) and Jessica Duan (CSO), they have launched a brand new type of application.

As for the GST, users are also able to donate tokens to purchase the Carbon Removal Credits in blockchain for supporting the concept of carbon neutrality to fight against climate change.

GST Statistics

Coin Name

Green Satoshi

Coin Symbol


USD Price


Market Cap


24h Volume


Total Supply

1,749,829,974 GST

Green Satoshi Token Roadmap

The roadmap of the STEPN is available on their website. It contains the general points of the project development such as team building, the launch of open beta, in-app trade function, and so on. Let’s take a look at the roadmap itself:

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Here we can see that most of the points are already completed. With the current popularity of STEPN, the team should be proud of their creature and continue improving the app to gain more popularity over the whole world. We will see how it goes, yet now the project seems to be pretty successful.

Crypto community about GST

We have investigated Twitter to find out the crypto community’s thoughts on the GST and STEPN, and we were pretty surprised. Why? Because we saw tons of tweets supporting the project. Here are some of them:

Green Satoshi Token Price Prediction 2024 2025 2030 2040 & GST Forecast content image

It’s always nice to see people being really involved in what they are doing, and in the case of STEPN, they are actively sharing their achievements via Twitter. Incredible how this is not always about earning money, but also smoothly forming healthy habits.

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Of course, some users tend to monitor the value of GST and give others a piece of advice on how to get it up.

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We have also seen many tweets from users with a big number of followers, so this means that STEPN and GST are pretty much popular in the Crypto World. Hopefully, this application will overcome all the difficulties and become what it was initially meant to be — a true motivator for a healthy lifestyle.

GST Price Prediction

  1. The analysts of predict the price of GST to be:

Let's see what experts think about the coin's future.

GST Price Prediction 2024

As for July 20, 2022: provides us with the following price for 1 GST: $0.27 in January and $0.30 in December.

The forecast of does not change much, the price stays almost the same — $0.09 for a GST.

GST Price Prediction 2025

As for July 20, 2022:, as usually, offers a more positive prognosis for tokens. It’s $0.31 in January and $0.33 in December for a GST token by 2025. says the value of GST will reach $0.12 by 2025, and the last predicted price for this token is 0.33 by 2031.

GST Price Prediction 2030

As for July 20, 2022:, as usually, offers a more positive prognosis for tokens. It’s $0.31 in January and $0.33 in December for a GST token by 2030. says the value of GST will reach $0.12 by 2020, and the last predicted price for this token is 0.33 by 2031.

GST Historical Price Analysis

As for July 20, 2022:

All-Time High (Apr 28, 2022): $9.03

All-Time Low (Jul 20, 2022): $0.06335

To find out where GST has started and how far did it go, let’s check out the all-time price graph of GST from Coinmarketcap:

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As you can notice, the initial price of GST wasn’t that high at the beginning, however, it stood beyond $1. The all-time high occurred this year, and it has reached 9 dollars. At the same time, the all-time low of $0.06335 happened in 2022, too.

The GST tokens have faced many sharp ups and downs, especially in April 2022. This was caused by the enormous hype around the application which has calmed down by May already. After that, the value of GST started decreasing smoothly. At the moment, it does not change much, and the team is doing everything to keep it stable. Community members are also worried about the cost, so they discuss their further plans on GST in social networks like Twitter and Discord.

It’s hard to claim whether GST will increase its value soon or not, because the volatility of the crypto market is very strong right now as the Crypto Winter’s still going on.  


To sum up, the STEPN project seems to be very promising, which in turn, affects the GST tokens. We can highlight several significant features of the concept:

  1.  Reward system. Rewards really motivate people to do sports on a daily basis. 
  2. GameFi. This functionality is implemented into the application making it more interesting to take part in such a project. 
  3. Complete ecosystem. STEPN is not just a habit-forming app. It consists of such tools like Wallet, Swaps and a whole Marketplace allowing customers to stay inside without distracting to side applications. 
  4. User-friendly interface. You don’t have to be a blockchain or crypto genius to download the app and start running. Everything is made as simple as possible. 

These can help support the popularity of STEPN and attract more users in the future.

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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